विज्ञापन के कंडिका 5(च) में स्पष्ट उल्लेख है कि शपथ-पत्र को नोटरी से बनाकर अपलोड किया जाना अनिवार्य होगा। बिना नोटरी से सत्यापित कराये शपथ-पत्र अपलोड करने के कारण अभ्यर्थित्व रद्द होने की सारी जिम्मेवारी अभ्यर्थी को होगी।

Online Application for the employment on the post of Gram Katchahary Sachiv under Panchayati Raj Department

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Password :
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 Software Solution Provided by Panchayat Raj Department, Govt. Of Bihar
Start Form Apply 16-01-2025:12:01AM
Last Date 29-01-2025:11:59PM
Important instructions for filling Up the applications.
1. To fill out the form online, you must first register. [ Click Here to Register  ].
2. To log in, use your User ID and password.
3. Applicants should only complete one application for any job position.
4. The Form must be filled by only qualified candidates as stated in the advertisement.
  • Once the application has been completed, click the submit button to save it as a draft.
  • You could print the application form as draft.
  • Please ensure that your entries are accurate before submitting them. No changes can be made after the final submission.
  • Application IDs will be generated after the final submission.
6. Print a copy of the application form that has been successfully submitted.
7. Before uploading your signature and photograph, ensure that:
  • The image size must be less than 50 kb.
    The Preferred Dimension:  200 x 230 pixels
  • Signature image Size should be less than 20 kb.
    The preferred dimension is :  140 x 60 pixels.